don't forget
Originally uploaded by Therewassomethingwrong.
Don't forget to keep peace flying....
How did torture become an accepted practice at Abu Ghraib? Did U.S. government policies make it possible? How much damage has the aftermath of Abu Ghraib had on America's credibility as a defender of freedom and human rights around the world?This global symbol of abuse and human rights violations has also spurred loads of satire and parody. Here is a selection of few of the street art and graphics that have been posted on the net as eye-opening imagery on one brutal chapter in the history of humanity.
By a Belgian political cartoonist,(Ben Heine).
Does a simple & straightforward message still makes any sense?
What started It?...Well I know...Hate & Anger...Nothing Less, Nothing More...
"You progress not through improving what has been done, but reaching toward what has to be done." - G.K. Gibran
We all come from a Circle, a full Circle; though, the world is filled with loads of square-minded people...
So my wish for 2009 is a year blasted with wisdom & love...Leave your hate, anger & negative pulses in the closet, Save the Circle...
Hope everyone gets his holiday madness taken care of.
Enjoy your time with family and friends this holiday season and remember each and everyone is a precious gift, an opportunity to learn from, respect and love.
Open your heart and let your joy flow unto others and share the light of yourself so others can follow you through their darkest of days.
Best wishes and seasons greetings! Stay safe and Happy! :)))
"You progress not through improving what has been done, but reaching toward what has to be done." - G.K. Gibran